Mr. Boora, I'm sorry to say that my partner has called the deal off and has asked me to instruct you to return to Abidjan with the consignment. Sorry for your trouble but at least you got a nice bvacation/b in Spain out of it. b....../b Barrister Kola Martins Sat, 20 May 2006 sir. Please I will definitely keep you posted as soon as I receive the certificate. However I will definitely get by Tuesday next week without bfailand/b I will advise you on the way forward. ...
It does not matter if you sacrifice much of your early life to go to school, earn a degree, get a good job, stay late to impress your employer, miss hours and days with your family to build a business, pass on vacations, and earn a good ...
Too big to let fail and too big to bail, New Zealand - 5 minutes ago The low interest rates have fuelled a real estate boom. As housing prices rise, people refinance their mortgages, take equity out of their homes and spend ...